Friday 16 January 2015

Defeating Presentation Anxiety

Before we had to give our presentations for Disseminate, we were given a presentation about how to deal with presentation anxiety and how to create a prepared presentation in order to reduce stress and pressure. I found this presentation extremely useful, as I am extremely nervous at public speaking and I struggle to relax and keep calm prior to giving the presentation.

There were some really useful tips such as, prepare and try not to over-rehearse your presentation. I tried this and found that I was feeling a lot more confident before and during my presentation than previous times I've had to give them. The rest of the tips mostly revolved around creating a good presentation and what should and shouldn't be included within a professional presentation. I found these extremely useful too and they helped to me create a clean, clear presentation that I was able to present in calm and confident manner.

I do still need to improve on my preparation and I should try to remember what I want to talk about and read my notes whilst presenting.