Friday 20 March 2015

The Animated Self

In today's briefing we were given our last brief of the year (I don't know whether to be sad or happy), in which we have been given the opportunity to create an animation that reflects our interests in the subject, our strengths, and what we would like to further develop. Although I don't have many ideas right at this very minute, I'm actually looking really forward to this brief, as it will give me the chance to focus on aspects within animation that I want to develop and explore further throughout my time on this course. It will also help me to pick out specific aspects within animation that I could benefit from improving on.

Not thinking about this too much, from a previous project I am aware that I need to improve on my drawing, so I could develop an animation that explores the human form in movement in order to develop my drawing skills. I could also extend this to environments within an animation, as I could focus on creating very detailed environments that the camera can pan through. These aren't definite ideas, but they do give me a starting point to start thinking about which areas within animation I'd live to improve on.

I'd also like to think about which area of animation I'm most interested in at the moment, but I think it's safe to say that I find the whole process and the many different methods all really interesting. Having said that I do find storyboarding tedious sometimes, but I do enjoy coming up with the story and I find storyboarding quite fun if I'm really into my idea. I think at the moment, I'd like to focus on character and environment design simply because I feel that this is what I need to improve on the most, as I do struggle sometimes with both character and environment design. But other than for that reason, I'm not sure which area of animation I like best, as I enjoy the entire process for different reasons.

Finally, I think it would be a great opportunity to show my strengths within animation as well. For instance, I could showcase my ability to create digital or traditional animation, as these have improved greatly over the period oft he course.

I need to start to think about what I want my animation to show exactly and I also need to think about which aspects of animation I am really interested in.

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