Friday 24 February 2017

The Lifting Tower: Pitching Our Ideas

For the German Market idea, we wanted to gather a series of iconic images that we felt reflected the essence of the market, without being too 'cheesy' and we came up with a list of things that made us think of the German Market and these included:
- Mulled wine
- Beer
- Pretzels
- Hotdogs
- A moose head
- A carousel

The idea was to have a camera pan through the scene and as it did so, have these images pop up in a style similar to a motion graphic. This way we could keep the designs simple and keep the line work neat and clean whilst being clear.
Once I had done this, I passed my sketches and thumbnails onto Katy who created the storyboards. From here I was able to put the pitching boards together.

Overall, I feel that we have managed to turn this around quite quickly and, as a group, we have been able to work to the deadline quite well. I feel that we split the workload fairly and I am really happy with how smoothly the whole process has been. The only thing I am not sure of is whether or not our ideas are suitable for projection mapping, as I have never done anything like this before. I feel that our ideas may be a little too ambitious, however, we had nothing to gauge our work against, so we will see what feedback we receive and move on from there.

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