Sunday 12 October 2014

So I'm a Nurturer...?

In Tuesdays PPP lecture we were analysing ourselves in two different ways. The first was task was to determine which personality type we had. We did this by looking at a list of characteristics and certain factors such as, if we felt we were an introvert or extrovert, sensing and intuition etc. The four letters that were created from your choices were what made up our unique personality types - I was "ISFJ". Although I found that some of the characteristics related to this personality type matched my own personal behavior, I found that the choices were extremely situation-based and I struggled to choose the characteristics most relevant to me, as most of them would apply to me depending on the situation I was in. However it was interesting to hear the kind of behaviors I am prone to do in certain situations. For example, being an introvert means I am more likely to be quiet and keep to myself. This could be a problem when presenting and I should consider ways to try and avoid this when I have to do presentations.

The second task was to to rate certain factors (family and home, relationships, finance, etc) on a scale of one to ten. Despite this task also being inaccurate as the results were affected by the mood I was in that day, I found this task a lot more enlightening, as it gave me an insight into which aspects of my life were balanced and which ones needed improvement. This task made me think about my life as a whole and has made me reflect upon which aspects of my life need more attention and which ones could do with a little less attention.

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