Sunday 26 October 2014

Reflective and Evaluative Tips

Tuesday's PPP presentation was all about how to improve your critical thinking and reflecting skills. So basically we went through tips on how to make our blog writing stronger in terms of how we address the important factors that we took away from a certain task, brief or presentation. These tips were:

  • Review your work ALL THE TIME, and get others to review your work too.You might like it but they might not.
  • Talk about the positive things about your work. What went well? What are you happy with?
  • I things didn't go so well, what would you improve next time?
  • Explain your judgments and choices. Remember people reading your blog CAN'T read your mind.
  • Context. Again people aren't mind readers.
  • What knowledge did you gain from the experience? What knowledge or belief changed because of the experience? 
  • What was challenging? 
  • What lectures, research or practitioners related to your experience?
  • What opportunities opened up for you?

  • Write your blog like a diary. Think of this as a digital extension of a sketchbook.
  • Only focus on the negatives.
  • BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT! Things might go wrong, SO WHAT! Blog about it and learn from it.
  • Waffle. Be concise nobody enjoys reading waffle.
I found this presentation really useful and almost like a presentation guide book. I feel that it will help me to create stronger blogs that are more informative to the reader and that explain my ideas better. 

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