Monday 3 November 2014

Waking Sleeping Beauty

In last weeks PPP session we watched a documentary on the downfall and the rise of Disney animation called Waking Sleeping Beauty. First thing, if you're an animator or are thinking of pursuing animation at all then WATCH THIS! It's amazing. I really loved the way it went through how difficult animation can be but at the same just how equally amazing it can be. It highlighted just how tough it is too although surprisingly this just wanted me to be an animator even more.

The documentary follows Disney through their first big animation, their not so successful animations to their rise again. Obviously growing up with Disney films as a child it came as a big shock to me that Disney were once a failing company that dragged themselves through the mud to be where they are today but I really enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of their great animations that I grew up. As often with most animations the actual animators get no real deserving credit for their work and the effort they put into creating what they do is very rarely appreciated by an audience, and it was really nice to see the hard work, effort and hours that are put into each animation. This has increased my appreciation for the time an effort even the shortest animation takes to create greatly and it has made me think about the time and effort I need to put into my work if I want it to be to the best of my ability.

Overall, a really bog eye opener to the industry of animation that I feel greatly fortunate to have seen,as I feel that it will help me to appreciate my work more and put more effort into each piece of work I do.

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