Saturday 29 November 2014

Ryan Woodward: Thought of You

This short animation wasn't something I found myself, in fact I wasn't even researching any animations when I came across this beautiful piece of work. But it IS a beautiful piece of work. In particular I really love the way that movement is dealt with in this animation. I find that it flows very smoothly, which is something that I really want to be able to achieve in my work. I also really like the success of the exaggeration within the movements. 

Not only do I love the flow of this animation I also really like the overall aesthetic, particularly the way he hasn't spent too much time on making his drawings neat by erasing the lines that cross over. Overall, I feel that this is a beautiful little piece of work and it demonstrates good use of the 12 principles of animation well and is a good example of the effectiveness of simple mark making. 

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