Tuesday 1 December 2015

Animation Studio Research: Feedback

In today's seminar I presented the research I had conducted on the animation studio Cartoon Saloon. I feel that it went well and I managed get across all of the points I wanted to make and I feel that I expressed my interest in the studio clearly.

During the presentation Martin was filling out a feedback form to let me know how well I had researched the studio and if I had made enough effort to contact the studio. Overall, he said that I had a good basic history of the studio and good work history. He also pointed out that I had a good history of the producers of the studio. Not only this, but I made good comments on appeal and I also brought up a good point regarding college contacts. He was also pleased that I have made contact with the studio and has encouraged me to maintain contact between the studio and myself.

Overall, I am pleased with the feedback I have received and I will keep working towards building a professional relationship with the studio.

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