Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Fine and Varied Art of Social Media

In this weeks seminar we looked at the benefit of social media and how it can be used to help get your work out there and build connections and an appropriate network for when it comes to finding a job. We also went over what's appropriate to post, when the best time to post is and the benefits of having separate personal and professional accounts.

Looking at the social media sites I already use, I chose the 5 that I use most frequently and these are:

Although I use these sites the most, I mostly only use Instagram and Twitter for work. I also don't use Facebook or Tumblr at all unless it's to post a photo through Instagram and I also only use Pinterest to create my own mood boards and collect visuals to aid my ideas. Reflecting upon how I use these sites, I could benefit from paying a little more attention to the sites I use less often such as Tumblr and Facebook, as these are well used sites and could help me to build connections quickly. I should also think about what I'm posting on which site, as it wold benefit me more to post different things on different sites, as people don't want to see the same thing on every site they go on. This will also help me to build a stronger network. For instance, I could use Instagram and Tumblr for work in progress, whereas, Facebook could be used for finished pieces and concept work.

Looking at the possibility of expanding, I feel that I have enough platforms to be working with at the moment, although it may benefit me in the future to create my own website, to display all of my finished pieces and showreels in one place.

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