Saturday 4 March 2017

The Lifting Tower: Moving Forward

During the last briefing, we were told that we would be getting split into new groups to include the illustrators within the project due to numbers and the fact that we weren't mingling with the illustrators enough. This is a decision that was fine by me, as it meant that I would be given an opportunity to work on my collaboration skills.
With this in mind, Lauren and I split from Katy and James and paired up with Tom Dogett from illustration, with Greta joining the group a little later on. James and Katy wanted to keep the ideas we had from our group, so we agreed that we would use Tom's ideas and simply animate them, partly because we were fine with just animating and partly because it meant that we wouldn't have to generate new ideas. Overall, I found Tom's ideas really interesting and I am looking forward to working with the characters he has given us.

Tom's Yeti Design

As a group we went through Tom's ideas and what he would like to achieve for this project. Tom wanted his characters to be part of a narrative, that could work well together or split up, so we discussed what these narratives would involve and worked from there. Lauren and I put together some quick storyboards of what we found interesting and what we thought would be achievable to showcase them to Jim later on.


In our next briefing we got the chance to meet up with Jim to show him our ideas and discuss any changes that needed to be made or any issues that would arise from our ideas. However, Jim seemed really happy with our ideas and the only criticism he had wasn't really a criticism, but more a friendly reminder to use up all of the space that we were provided with. 
With that decided, we gave the project the official go ahead and distributed roles accordingly. Tom was the designer and asset maker, with Lauren, Greta and I being the animators.

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