Wednesday 17 May 2017

Business Cards

Now that I have my logo sorted it made sense to revamp my business cards to match my new brand. I also wanted to update some of the visual on my cards to my most recent work, even though it is all line work. I don't think that this would be an issue, as I am wanting to showcase that I am an animator who works with traditional or more accurately 'tradigital' methods and I feel that card with just line work on would demonstrate this. So here is what I have designed and ordered.

Back of my Business Cards

I kept the back plain and simple yet with all of the vital information needed for someone who took one. I then used the front to place on a number of different designs to give me a small variety to choose from and to showcase a little of what I do. 

I kept the design simple and clear and chose the work that I felt best demonstrated my abilities as an animator. Overall, I am really pleased with my overall revamp of my visual identity, as I feel that it reflects me a lot better than my old designs. 

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