Monday 15 May 2017

How to Get Paid! Invoicing Workshop

During this workshop we were given an insight into invoices and how to set one up for when working with a client. There isn't much to an invoice, but it was nice to have the workshop regardless, as sometimes it is easy to forget how to do the essential things, such as setting up a correct invoice.

When creating an invoice, it's important to remember that they don't need to be all flashy and fancy, but it is in fact better to keep them simple and clear.
To start with you should have a clear heading stating INVOICE, which should be followed by your name, the name of your company, branding and trading name (which can be anything) and the date. Finally, the top of the page should contain the invoice number, which you should start at 00000001 and work your way up. This way it is easy to keep track of all of your work for future reference.

You should then move on to state the payment terms which is typically 14-30 days from the date of issue, but either way, you should be clear of when you want the payment, followed by your name and address.
The remainder of the workshop followed suit, reminding us to include the clients name and address, the amount owed, VAT if you needed it, although this only applies if your turnover is £830000, and most importantly your bank details.

Again, I feel that this workshop was aimed mostly at freelancing, however that isn't to say it hasn't helped me in any way. Even though I am not looking at being a freelancer at this stage, it is still useful to know and I am confident that I will be able to use this knowledge later in life.

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