Wednesday 17 May 2017


After reviewing my social media I started to think about what I could in order to freshen it up and create something I was happy with. I began to think about what it was I wanted my visual identity to portray and I immediately decided that I wanted to strip it back to black and white, as I felt that this would help with the colour issue and help to make it less gross looking. Not only this, but it reflects my practice more, as my work focuses on line and drawing. I knew that I wanted to keep the ELM, as these are my initials and I thought that it was pretty cool that my initials spelled out a word. I also considered adding a line drawn elm tree at one stage, as this would have related to my logo, however, I felt that this would have made things too much, so I decided against it.

I spent a long time writing out my name in a multitude of different fonts to choose one that I was happy with, however, I was struggling to come up with anything I liked. In the end I drew out my initials in frustration and ended up with a serendipity, which I decided was what I was aiming to achieve.

Final Logo

I am really pleased with my new logo, as I feel that it looks and feels a lot more professional and its a lot cleaner and clearer. I also feel that it can be transferred from platform to platform with ease and the overall style will be easy to translate into other words. Having said this, I did create a few other tags and logos with the intention of possibly creating a website. However, at this moment I have decided against it, as I feel that if i connect all of my social medias correctly and keep them neat and presented professionally, that will be enough for now to showcase and demonstrate who I am and what my aims are. 

Example of other text

From here, I began to update the relevant sites I mentioned in the post before and added my logo to each one. I also decided to update the cover images where possible to my most recent work. Even though it is just line for now, it demonstrates that I am working on something new and that I am engaging in animation on a regular basis. 


Overall, I am really pleased with how my visual identity looks and I feel that it appears a lot more professional. I also feel that it reflects me and my work better and that it is a lot easier to remember than my last logo. Another benefit I feel that a more basic logo will allow for is easier branding across business cards and stationary when I come to design my press pack, and I also think that it will make it all look a lot more professional. 

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