Thursday 18 May 2017

Position Statement

I am a passionate 2D animator with a love for exploring narrative and character driven stories that indulge a viewer in a world of imagination and wonder. I take my inspiration from the world around me and attempt to incorporate the natural beauty of nature into my own work. My passion lies behind creating work both traditionally and digitally, and with an eye for detail, I like to pay attention to the subtle movements of my characters. As an animator and an artist, I appreciate the value and importance of drawing and I’m constantly practicing to build upon my skills and learn new techniques. Although I predominantly work in 2D media forms, I also possess skills within 3D as well. My ambition is to become the best animator that I can potentially be, whilst striving to always learn some new, as I feel that it is important for an artist of any kind to continue to grow and develop. Passion, enthusiasm, determination and patience are some of the key factors that I value the most and keep at the forefront of my mind when I am working on any project. However, I always believe that something could be improved and I will always strive to make something better. With a friendly disposition and a kind natured personality, I have the ability to work both individually and collaboratively with ease and in a professional manner.

I have a strong love for creating animation that transports a viewer to another world using a variety of techniques and programmes to do so. Not only do I possess skills with traditional media, but I can also use a range of software such as, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Maya and TVPaint. Not only this, but I am flexible with my drawing aesthetic, which allows for me to be extremely flexible and adapt well. My experience over the last three years has shaped into a versatile practitioner that is capable of working in a range of different ways to produce a final piece that is unique, creative and captivating.

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