Thursday 9 April 2015

Anikey Studios' Fallin' Floyd

This little animated short is an animation that I have looked at time and time again and for good reason. Fallin' Floyd is a wonderful little animation that contains so many great qualities. To start with the camera movements within this animation are great. There is a lot of variety of camera angles and the scenes transition in a number of creative ways, which I feel help to make the animation a lot more interesting to watch. I also find that the camera movements lead you through the animation in a really smooth action. They also compliment the mood of the animation; the camera moves a relatively quick pace when the animation is portraying a happy atmosphere and it moves a little slower when the animation takes a more sullen, dismal turn.

Another aspect of the animation I really like is the use of colour to help demonstrate and accentuate the mood and atmosphere of the animation. I feel that it has a really strong effect on how the animation is perceived and I find that it really helps to exaggerate the characters state of emotion. I also really love the aesthetic of Fallin' Floyd, as it's quite simple, yet very effective and it all works really well together to capture the tone and mood of the story.

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