Thursday 9 April 2015

The Bear and The Hare

The Bear and The Hare is a great example of how animation (stop motion animation in this case) can be used as something other than just entertainment. This animation shows how effective animation can be used as a tool for advertising.

The link for the video.

The Bear and The Hare was created for John Lewis to be used as their 2013 Christmas advert and is by far the best Christmas advert they have had so far. However, I don't just like this animation because it demonstrates other uses for animation. 

I find this to be a beautiful and very successful piece of animation. The aesthetic, style, story and method all come together beautifully to create a very emotional, well animated video. The animation also combines CGI and stop motion together really well, which I feel adds to the overall style and feel of the animation. Another thing that stands out to me in this animation is the environments used. Done with a combination of set and CGI, I feel that you get a really good sense of the atmosphere and the environment that the characters are in, again adding to the kind of experience the audience has when watching this advert. 

I don't often say this, but I also really like the post production work that has been done to this animation, the added skies and details such as the steam coming from the bears nose and the reflection in the water. They have been done in a very subtle way and it is these very subtle things that make this animation so much more enjoyable to watch, as they are often things that are missed out within an animation, as they are seen as less important. However, this animation is a great example of how effective small subtle things can effect the overall result of an animation.

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