Friday 10 April 2015

The Animated Self: Choosing the Methods

Before I started to animate the 5 motions I had chosen, I needed to think about which methods/ techniques I wanted to use for each of the sequences, as I wanted to use a range of different methods to get across that I am interested in all methods of animation at the moment. However, I do feel that 3D animation may be a problem, as we haven't learnt how to create a human figure in Maya and it may take longer than I have to learn how to use it for this purpose so I have decided to miss that one out for this project. That does leave me with a few others though.
Because I want to demonstrate my strengths as well as areas I need to improve upon, I feel that it is safe to say I will be using traditional animation and digital animation for at least 1 of the sequences and because I am so familiar with these methods I feel that it may be a good idea to use these for the more difficult motions to help balance out the difficulty of the task. Therefore, I will do the dancing motion in traditional animation and the jumping motion in digital animation.

Thinking about what software I am good at using, I'm confident in using Photoshop however, I'm not too familiar with Illustrator and for that reason, I feel it would be a good opportunity to experiment with using the software to create images to be used in animation and I've deiced to create the trowing action in Illustrator, as I feel as though I'd be comfortable with creating this motion using this software.

This leaves me with stop motion animation to explore, which in itself has a large variety of techniques to choose from. To start with I eliminated puppet animation, as I feel that it would take too long to create a puppet to use for the animation and the puppet I made earlier in the year isn't actually fully finished yet and I feel that it would be too much of a strain to get it finished in time to animate with. I also don't want to work with Plasticine, as I find using the medium extremely frustrating. Paper, however, is something that I feel I'd like to try, as it is something I've briefly tried to animate with before and I'd like to see what I could achieve by using this material for the walking motion.
For the last motion, running, I'm not quite sure what I want to use, but I really want to try and create a stop motion piece using ink and water. However, this may be a little too ambitious for the time scale I have. I think I will experiment with it and if it doesn't work, I will fall back on a technique I am familiar with to create the running sequence.

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