Thursday 9 April 2015

Bradford Animation Festival: Mute

Mute is another animated short that I experienced whilst at the Bradford Animation Festival earlier this year. It is a 3D animation about a tow of people who have no mouths yet insist on trying to talk and do other activities that require a mouth, until an accident provides them with the answer they need.

I really like this animation simply because it made me laugh so much. The story is a great little story that isn't complicated and doesn't take a lot of effort to follow, but the result is hilarious. I also find the design of the characters quite amusing and find that this helps to add to the humour of the animation. I also like this animation because of its simple aesthetic, which goes to show that sometimes less is more. Mute demonstrates what can be achieved through effective storytelling and what can be achieved through uncomplicated and simple designs really well and reminds me that things don't have to be complicated to be effective. 

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