Sunday 12 April 2015

The Animated Self: Storyboard

Whilst thinking about my storyboard I was also thinking about how I wanted all of my separate sequences to merge together. I realised that I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of all of my sequences being separate and just simply switching from one to the other, as I thought this would look kind of boring and it wouldn't flow as nicely as if the sequences were somehow integrated with each other and lead off from one another. And obviously because I'd already noticed how much better it would look if the sequences were all one big sequence, I couldn't go back to having separate sequences so I started to think about how I could effectively create this without creating too much extra work for myself. This is what I came up with.

I feel satisfied with what I have managed to produce for this brief and I feel that I have come up with something that is quite manageable. Whilst it looks like it could be difficult in parts, such as creating work in ink, I don't feel as though there is too much work there to be done and I feel that I can handle this work load on top of my other briefs. I also feel that I have managed to successfully think of a way to make the sequences flow together in a creative way, rather than just having them as separate sequences, which makes me happy because I wouldn't have been happy otherwise. 

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