Friday 10 April 2015

Reflect: Idea Generation

As part of our PPP brief we have to create a presentation that reflects upon our experiences of the year. Within the presentation we must have some visual elements that demonstrate the range skills that we have learnt over the period of the course. Although I'm really looking forward to this task because it will allow me to look at back at what I've learnt and how far I've come in such a short period of time, I'm not too sure what I actually want to talk about.

I thought the best plan of action would be to write down a list of the most important things I have done this year and see where it leads me.

So I did and I have come up with a few ideas of what I want to talk about but more importantly which topics I want to create a visual of. I thought it'd be a good idea to create a visual for the main points I want to talk about and use them as a prompt of what I want to say. This way I will be fulfilling the task of demonstrating my skills whilst also giving a presentation. 

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