Thursday 9 April 2015


Avatar may not have the best story line out there but, it is safe to say that the use of CGI went beyond limits and expectations when they made this film. All you have to do is look at the painstakingly detailed world the Avatar's live in and you realise the full potential of CGI and the limitless possibilities that come along with using it.

Not only does the film have amazing environments that transport you to another world and make you feel as though something like that could really exist because it all looks so real, but the film also contains some beautifully designed and animated creatures too that only add to the beauty of this tremendous feat. 

Although I don't actually enjoy watching the film and I struggle to sit through the whole 3 hours of it, it, I do find myself being captured within the environments within the film and the amazing visual effects that have been achieved. This film is an inspiration because it goes to show just what can be achieved with the technology and software that is readily available to me (I mean I know I'm not going to create anything like this any time soon or maybe ever for that matter) and it reminds me that almost anything is possible within animation. 

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