Monday 6 April 2015


Brave has to be my all time favourite animated film. It is an amazing little piece of entertainment for so many reasons. I think the most drawing part of the film for me is a toss between the character designs and the environments, it might even be safe to say they are on a par because I think both are created with such attention to detail and with such imagination.

So lets start with character design. The character designs within Brave are just little pieces of art that are beautifully thought out and that hold so much personality. What I like most about the characters within this film is the diverse range of body shape and size. No one character is the same and I feel that this helps to make the film all the more enjoyable to watch, as each character has its own appeal for different reasons. However, although I do like all of the characters, I feel that the characters that stand out the most to me are Merida and the old witch. For Merida I do feel that it's the hair that makes me love this character, as the rest of her design is actually quite simple whereas the old witch has a very distinctive face and body shape.
Having said that, I do feel that the appeal also comes from the character's personalities, and again, I feel as that Merida and the old witch have such vibrant, strong, distinctive personalities that help to boost their appeal and make them really enjoyable to watch.

The environments within Brave are just as enjoyable to look at. In particular I love the forest environments throughout the film because they have so much detail. I really love how the trees and the leaves look very realistic and I like the texture that has been captured within the surface of tree bark and the rocks. I also really like the colours used with this environment and how the atmosphere of the environment changes throughout the film, which demonstrates the importance of colours and how they can be used to change the mood and tone of an environment. I also feel that the environments within Brave are also really good at leading the story and taking the audience through the story. 

Basically Brave is an amazing piece of animation that uses all of the basic principles to their full potential to create an animation that is extremely enjoyable to watch and demonstrates just how far you can take animation and the wonderful things that can be created with animation. 

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