Tuesday 12 May 2015

Brother Bear

Brother Bear is another film that I watched as a child that I still watch today because I find the whole thing to be beautiful. Not only do I find the storyline beautiful, but I really love the character design and the environment design too. 

Although created in the typical Disney fashion, I really like the aesthetic and the appearance of the characters within this film, as I feel that they fit really nicely with the environments and their personalities. In particular I love Koda's personality the best, as I feel that it is very similar to mine as child, which only makes me love the character more. However, I do feel that the characters within this film have their own personalities that help to create their own appeal, but I do feel that there are a number of characters that wouldn't stand out if they were on their own. 

Despite that flaw however, I find the environments very beautiful. I love the amount of detail within them and the colours used and I feel that they capture the mood and tone of the story really well. Brother Bear is a film that makes me think about how character and environment design should work together to create a successful visual appeal, which encourages me to experiment with more environment designs with my free time. 

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