Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry was an animation that I absolutely loved as a kid. Now not so much. When I was younger it was all about how the animation made me feel. I had a strong love for Jerry whilst I didn't want Tom succeed in ruining Jerry's mission for cheese. However, now that I am older I realise that I was very fond of the style and aesthetic of the Tom and Jerry that was aired when I was a little girl.

Tom and Jerry The Movie

Looking at today's Tom and Jerry I feel as though the character and the personality of the characters have been stripped away to leave behind this empty shell of what I used to love watching as a kid. However, although I don't like the new version of my childhood TV program, I do feel that it is a great example of how animation styles change and differ over time and it reminds me that it is important that I am versatile with my own work.

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