Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Emperor's New Groove

This is a film I haven't seen for a long while but I can still remember the majority of the storyline but that's not the only reason I love this film. To start with I really like the environment design within this film.

Although this is a Disney film, I find the art style to be quite different from the majority of other Disney films. They are often quite simple designs made beautiful with complex colour shadings, which I find quite refreshing to look at, as although the majority of Disney films look beautiful and amazing, I find it very easy to watch the more simple designs found in The Emperor's New Groove. I also love the colours, they are very vibrant and 'pop' when the mood of the film requires it and they turn to deeps shades of blues, greens and purples when the villain is on screen, but all of the colours regardless of tone and shade are still very strong and clear. 

Another thing I like about this film is the character design. Again, with the majority of Disney films, you find that the characters are quite realistic, they have realistic body shapes and they usually have a good amount of detail to them. However, in this film I find the character design to be quite simple for Disney. I mean, you can still tell that they are made by Disney, but I feel they have a much more 'cartoony' feel to them. I also like the variation in the body shapes and sizes, as it gives me something new to look at each time without all the characters looking very similar. 

The last thing I want to mention about this film is the way the story is told. I really enjoy watching films that have a new and refreshing way of telling the story and I feel that this is a rare Disney film that does just that. The characters actually engage with the audience throughout the film and actually speak into the camera. For me, this helps to break the story up and makes it all that more enjoyable to watch, as it really draws me into the story and makes me feel as though I am a part of it. 

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