Tuesday 12 May 2015

How to Train Your Dragon

How To Train Your Dragon is a film that I can't say I've watched all that much compared to other animated films. I guess I'm just not that big of a fan of the storyline. Having said that however, I do really like the range of characters that are in this film simply because I find the different body shapes and sizes amusing to look at. I even find myself being drawn more towards the quirkier design characters then I do the main ones, as I personally feel that they have more appeal due to their funny body shapes.

Another thing that draws me into this animation is the personality that is captured within each of the characters and in particular the dragons themselves. Although they don't have the ability to speak they still have really strong individual personalities that reflect their owner's personality. My favourite dragon has to be Toothless without a doubt, as he has the most vibrant personality and makes me laugh. 

Overall, I feel that this film is a great example of character appeal and demonstrates how important it is for a character to have personality.  

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