Tuesday 12 May 2015

Lucy Lizzard's Childhood

This is an animated short that I came across whilst browsing through the website loop de loop that was submitted as a response to the word 'childhood'.

Link to see the awesomeness

I decided to put this on here because I thought it was great example of how an idea can be generated from a single word and it demonstrates really good idea generation and development, which is an important aspect of the animation process. 

Not only that but I found the style and aesthetic very nice to look at. It's not something that I would usually look at and it's not a style that I would ever consider using, however, I do feel that it works really well and that it conveys the idea of childhood really well too. The style is very sympathetic to the tone and mood of the subject, which is also really important when creating a successful animation. 

Another thing I like about this animation is the idea itself and how it's been executed. I really like how the bedroom transforms into this little imagined world of the little girl and I feel that it very clearly displays that what the little girl is imagining. 

Overall, this is a beautiful little short that has made me think about how I approach ideas in the future. I don't necessarily have to make things complicated or spectacular it's all about thinking outside the box. It's also made me think about my own personal style and it's made em realise that I'm still not sure what this is and it would beneficial to me to start experimenting with more styles. 

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