Tuesday 12 May 2015

Effective Presentation Tips

During one of our PPP lectures at the start of the year we were given a presentation on how to create an effective presentation, which I have found to be extremely useful to me throughout this course. Throughout the presentation we were told that it was key to know your audience and remember that a presentation is to inform those you are presenting to about your work, who you are, what you are doing, etc. and that it shouldn't be about you and most of all it shouldn't be stressful. Other points were made that were very straight forward and should be common sense (e.g. don't put too much text on a slide, don't use harshly coloured background, make sure the text is clear, etc.)

The presentation then went on to remind us that it's key to be prepared and that if you are prepared it will be a breeze. All of these tips have proved to be extremely beneficial to me when I have come to give a presentation and because of them I have been able to give a presentation with little stress and worry.

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