Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Sticking with the stop motion theme I want to talk about A Nightmare Before Christmas. This was one of those films that, as a kid, I was always a little freaked out by it but I would always end up watching it again and again and as I got older I began to love that the film was darker than many of the other animated films I would watch.

However, I feel that it was the set and puppet design that drew me into this film the most. Stop motion animation was what got me into animation in the first place and although that might be changing now that I'm learning more and more about animation, I still can't help but be drawn in by the beautifully hand crafted sets and puppets.

I also really love the aesthetic of Tim Burton's work and how the environments look realistic, yet completely made up at the same time. I feel that the sets help to transport you to a different world where you feel as though it might just be possible that somewhere like this exists. 
Stop motion is something that I haven't experimented with as much as I'd have liked, and films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas definitely make me want to practice it more. 

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