Sunday 10 May 2015

The Animated Self: Dance Sequence

So in the end, I realised that I hadn't planned my time very effectively and this meant that I was getting a little stressed, as what I wanted to do wasn't very realistic in the time frame that I had. This also resulted in me Rotoscoping the whole animation.

Although this wasn't what I quite had in mind, I'm not at all that bothered about it, as I was doing this to experiment with something new and to focus on creating motion through animation, which I have done. I am a little disappointed, as I didn't get the chance to practice my drawing skills, however, I will have plenty of opportunity to do so later on.

Because of the tight time frame I left myself with, I also haven't been able to add in the hands for the majority of the frames, meaning that for the most part the dancer has no hands. However, when I watch the animation I don't feel like it ruins it as such, but it would look better overall if all he frames had the hands. I also haven't had time to think about a backplate, but personally, I like that it is just the white on black dancer within the animation. Yet I am aware that some people don't agree with this and I will consider a backplate for the exhibition.

Overall, I am really pleased with myself for learning a new skill and for producing an animation such as this in such a small time frame. Although this animation isn't the best of quality and there are a lot of things that need improving, I am still quite happy with the results.

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