Tuesday 17 May 2016

Brand Me: Polishing My Appearence

With my logo created and my business cards made, I felt now would be a good time to return to my social media and polish it up a bit. To start with, I applied my logo to all of the relevant social media sites that I use frequently to create a sense of consistency and to make it clear that it was the same person across all of the accounts. However, when it came to the banner, I didn't want to be repeating the logo, as I felt that it may be a bit overkill and it wouldn't look very appealing. With this in mind, I decided that I would use screen shots of work that I had or was currently making, as I felt that this would reflect what my current interest were and what I was working on to my audience.

Social Media Examples

Looking at all of my social media together like this helps me to notice how much better it looks compared to before. Not only does it feel a lot more professional, but I also feel that this work can now be recognised as mine and that I will now also be recognised as a practitioner, rather than just someone posting up work. Overall I am really pleased with what I have achieved and I feel that my online appearance is a lot cleaner than before.

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