Monday 16 May 2016

Pitch Perfect: Team Roles

Whilst we were discussing which area within animation we would like to focus in, I brought it up that we should each hold a head role of a certain department/ section of the company to help spread responsibilities and encourage an easy flowing system within the company. Ciara immediately expressed an interest in communications, so she took the role of chief communications officer. Lauren wanted to focus on social media and getting the business noticed and took the role of marketing manager and Joe fancied a go at finances so took the role of chief finance officer. I personally took on the role of studio director, as we felt that it would be good to have someone who had a final say on projects and kept production running smoothly.

Whilst we each had individual roles within the company, we had all agreed to focus on the production of any animation that we created, with Joe and Lauren wanting to focus on pre-production and production and Ciara and I on production and post, but we made it clear that we were all flexible and could take on any task.

I feel that we have made good choices with our role and having people in charge of important things such as finances and marketing will help to keep the business running smoothly, as people are aware of their responsibilities.

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