Monday 16 May 2016

Pitch Perfect: Pitching our Company

The day before presenting, we decided to plan out who would be talking about what and when. We felt that this would help to minimise the risk of people stumbling over each other and interrupting. This meant that, as studio director, I would open up the presentation by introducing the company and stating which role I played in the company. We had decided that we should each talk about our roles and to speak when the slides relevant to that role appeared.

I feel that this was very good idea and helped to appear organised and professional, it also meant that no one was interrupting the other and we each had a small bit to speak about, so we didn't end up with team members who simply stood there not doing anything. I felt that we dealt with the presentation very well and we were very prepared beforehand, which helped to make it a success.

In terms of feedback, the majority of it was very positive, the only this that was criticized was the small stray pixels that surrounded our logo. Mike felt that the pixels may be misinterpreted as accents and people could possibly try to pronounce our name differently, and suggested that we simply remove them to reduce the risk of this happening. Overall, I am very pleased with what we have achieved as a group and I feel that if we wanted to take the company any further, we are in a very comfortable position to do so.

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