Monday 16 May 2016

Pitch Perfect: Finding a Studio

Finding a studio was a lot harder than I thought it would be. This was because we had no idea where we wanted to be situated, or what kind of costs we should be looking at. To start with, Joe suggested that we should look into London, as it would provide much better networking opportunities and this may be worth the extra money we'd have to pay. However, after looking at the studios in London, we realised that it was extremely expensive and not suitable for a starting business.

This led us to keep the search local. After looking for quite a few hours at a number of different studio spaces, we decided, as a group, that we liked the look of Duke Studios based here in Leeds. Although Duke is a shared studio space, there was potential to set up a separate studio that would allow to work in private, but we would still benefit from being able to network right on our doorstep with other creatives in the building. Not only this, but the prices seemed fair and there was a lot included within the montly cost of the studio, such as Wi-Fi and bills.

Duke Studios Prices

As we wanted to be quite accurate with our finances, I decided to email Duke to see how much it would cost to rent out a 4 person studio space. They responded very quickly and we found that we would only be paying £480 pm, which we felt was a very good deal for the services that we would receive as part of this offer. 

Emails I sent to Duke
Not only this, but we felt that the location was also a good choice, as we all familiar with the surrounding area and there are a number of animation studios that are quite close by that we could network with. 

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