Monday 16 May 2016

Fettle Animation Studios: Zane Whittingham

Zane Whittingham is a director at Fettle Animation, as 2D animation studio based in Yorkshire. Zane came in to talk to us about what it was that the company did and to show us some of the work that the company had created. it was really nice to have someone so local come to visit and talk to us, as it made me realise that there are plenty of good animation studios in the local area, and that I don't have to move away in order to get my foot in the animation industry. He also told us about how sometimes you don't always fit into a company the way you thought you would and that is okay because whilst you might not work well within that company, you will excel at another and it was reassuring to hear that not many people get a secure job the first time around.

However, whilst I found his advice very helpful and calming, I also realised that I wasn't a huge fan of the work that he was producing. Because a lot of the work Fettle produce is broadcast on children's television such CBBC, there has to be an educational element to it, and it is the same for any of the channels, such as channel 4 and CITV. Whilst I enjoy creating narrative driven stuff, I found the work to be quick boring, repetitive and somewhat patronizing and it has made me realise that children's animation, particularly the kind that Fettle work in, isn't necessarily what I want to create. However, if I was offered an internship I wouldn't turn it down, I just don't feel that this kind of storytelling is what I would like to personally explore.

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