Tuesday 17 May 2016

Investing in TVPaint

Having decided that I want to focus on 2D animation, I went off and began to research what programs other 2D animation based studios use to create their work. I found that the majority of studios use Toon Boom, Animate CC (Flash) or TVPaint to create work and whilst I have Animate CC, it isn't a program that I am all that familiar with or enjoy using. However, this doesn't mean that I am not willing to learn how to use it, as I feel that it will benefit me to know how to use it. With this in mind, I intend to invest some time in becoming familiar with the program and learning how to use the software to create animations that I would originally have done in Photoshop.

On top of this, I also investigated both Toon Boom and TVPaint, as I thought that it would benefit me to know how to use software outside of the adobe suite. After much consideration and weighing up the benefits of investing one of these programs, I decided to take the plunge and buy TVPaint, as it was cheaper at the time than Toon Boom. It also provided nice little perks such as, having the full license for life at a student price with no extra cost once I graduate and having a commercial license even though it is a student license. I will also spend time getting to grips with this software over the summer to develop my skills further as an animator and to gain new skills that may make animating in the future easier for me, as right now Photoshop is okay for the smaller tasks, but when dealing with a larger animation, it isn't entirely appropriate.

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