Tuesday 17 May 2016

Brand Me: Reviewing my Current Online Presence

As it stands, I currently operate a fair number of social media accounts. However, there are obviously some that I pay more attention to than others, for instance, I am very unfamiliar with Tumblr so I tend to only post to this through Instagram. Whilst this is good and all, it also means that there is a lot of the same work across all of my social media, so if you've seen one, you've seen them all. After the talk with Martin at the start of the year, I've realised that this isn't a good thing, as it results in less publicity and people becoming bored of the content you are posting. With this in mind, I have decided to review my social media and designate at least of them to purely finished work and the others to ongoing work and 'teasers' (if you like) in an attempt to draw in more of an audience.

Before I can do this though, I think it would be wise to review the look of my social media and develop an identity that I can easily carry across all of my accounts to create a sense of continuity and consistence throughout, so people will know that it is my work regardless of which site they go to.

Current Social Media Examples

Currently, as it stands, my online identity is all over the place and I definitely need to sort this out and tidy it up so it looks more professional and reflects me and what I do. In terms of how many social medias I use, I feel that I use a reasonable amount and that I don't necessarily need to cut down, however, like I said before, I definitely need to organise them in a way that will draw in an audience better.

With this in mind, I feel that the best approach would be to create an identity first and re-visit this once I have managed to successfully brand myself.

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