Friday 13 May 2016

Manchester Animation Festival: A Masterclass with Tim Searle

Tim Searle's masterclass marked the end of the festival (save for the awards ceremony and a few film screenings), and it was good talk to end on too. Not only was Tim funny, but the presentation was actually quite useful and Tim's *top tip's* that he threw in there (to make it a 'real' masterclass) were very relevant.

The most memorable tip was "Don't be a dick". Nobody likes someone who is unpleasant to work alongside, and since the animation industry is quite small, if you irritate the wrong people, the industry will remember. Although this was said as a joke, I feel that is also extremely relevant and 100% true. Other tips that stuck with me include creating a business plan. It's important to try and keep your finances stable and, if you can, keep the cash flowing.In terms of work, Tim pointed out that we shouldn't neglect the old ways of drawing, "don't rush straight to the computer", as you won't learn how to create natural looking illustrations without the practice. You should also be an enthusiast, if you say you are going to do something you should, rather than just saying you will and then never do it. He also encouraged us to collaborate and to take chances.

On top of these useful tips, I also found it very beneficial to hear about how Tim made it in the animation world. Unlike the other speakers I've listened to over the last 3 days, Tim didn't learn to be an animator, but rather a photographer and it was until he attended Annecy that he realised he had to entertain. From here he worked on a number of different projects for a variety of companies before he landed a more permanent job with Tiger Aspect Productions helping to create Mr Bean. This has given me more confidence in finding my own job within the industry, as it has proved to me that no one has had an easy time getting to where they are and it reminded me that everyone has had to put the same time and effort in to get to where they are.

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