Thursday 12 May 2016

Manchester Animation Festival: Master Class with Will Becher

On the second day of MAF I attended Will Becher's Masterclass. Although I don't feel that stop motion is the route I want to take, it was really interesting to hear what Will had to say. Will took us behind the scenes of many Aardman favourties and even showed us clips from their latest movie of Shaun the Sheep.

Despite the fact that Will focused on stop motions however, I did learn some really useful tricks and tips to use when undertaking any kind of animation. The one that stuck in my mind the most was the live actions videos (LAVs). These were done to help the animators capture the key essence of a performance or character and they were usually created by the producer or other members of the team. The effect of these LAVs were clearly evident when we were shown the LAV alongside the animation, it was clear to see how the reference had influenced the personality of the animated character and how it helped to create a more believable performance. Not only this, but the whole experience looked quite fun and you could see the team having fun whilst creating them.

I feel that this is something I could use for my own work in future, as it appears to help a great deal with capturing human behaviour. I also feel that I would benefit from using these LAVs, as they could potentially strengthen my animation.

Towards the end of talk, Will touched upon  the fact that you need to get your work out there, as persistently showing that you are enthusiastic and willing could potentially get you a job like it did him.

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